After Gilbert Stuart. "John Adams, Late President of the United States." From The Casket: Flowers of Literature, Wit and Sentiment.
Philadelphia: P. Price, Jr., 1827. 6 x 4 5/8. Stipple and line engraving by Longacre. Very good condition. A/A
Accompanied by "Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson" published in July 1826.
In 1826, Samuel C. Atkinson and Charles Alexander founded The Casket: Flowers of Literature, Wit and Sentiment. This monthly magazine ran until 1839, at which time it was purchased by George R. Graham. Graham soon combined it with Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine and renamed the combined journal as Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine. Though it had a fairly short run, the Casket was said to be the most widely circulated monthly in the United States. It included articles, stories, poetry, puzzles, and steel engraved illustrations of American subjects.