Mother Goose prints by Frederick Richardson. "Cock-a-doodle-doo, my dame has lost her shoe". From Eulalie Osgood Grover's Mother Goose.
Chicago: Vollard & Co., 1915. 9 x 7. Color screen prints. Images on both sides of sheet. A few with marginal blemishes, but overall, very good condition. Inquire about particular prints.
Classic nursery rhyme prints drawn by Frederick Richardson, an American illustrator who studied in St. Louis and Paris and taught at the Chicago Art Institute. He is famous for his illustrations for L. Frank Baum and for various children's tales and nursery rhymes. These are terrific examples of his work, each vividly illustrating a rhyme, a verse for which is included in the image.
Click the links below to view others from this series:
"Old Mother Goose when She Wanted to Wander"
"The Lion and the Unicorn were Fighting for the Crown"
"There was an Old Woman lived under the Hill"