R. Baxter Blair. "Revolutionary War 1775-1783." From Hart American History Series.
Chicago: Denoyer-Geppert Co., 1917, 1926. Credits to: "Albert Bushnell Hart L.L.D., Harvard University" The geographer was "L. Philip Denoyer." "Compiled and drawn by R. Baxter Blair." Lithographed in color. 31 1/2 x 44. Wall map backed on linen and folded into fifteen sections. Insets show: "Operations Near Boston," "Newport 1778," Saratoga Campaign 1777", "Central Campaigns 1776-1778" and "Virginia Campaigns 1781. Grommets along the top for hanging. Some small chips along bottom edge not touching image. Else, very good condition.
This large school map uses colors and codes to show the major theatres of the American Revolution. Movements by American, British and French forces are represented by dramatic arrow tipped solid and dotted lines. Each line is dated to retain information on the chronology of events.