W.R. Gardner. "New and Improved Map of England and Wales, including the Principal part of Scotland whereon are carefully Delineated all the Mail and Turnpike Roads Direct and Cross."
London: William Darton, 1831. 29 x 24 1/4. Engraved by W.R. Gardner. Folding map with original hand color delineating counties. Dissected into 24 sections and mounted on linen. Folds into the original slipcase, with the publisher's green printed title label "England." on the case which matches cloth panels on the folded end sections. Very good condition.
William Darton Sr. started his mapmaking business in 1787 in London, and thus began a cartographic publishing house that would last, in various manifestations, until the 1860s. William Darton Jr. joined his father late in the eighteenth century. While not large, the maps contain an impressive amount of detail carefully presented. The information used was the best available in London at the beginning of the nineteenth century, meaning the best in the world, so these maps are not only attractive, but provide an excellent cartographic picture of the world at the time. This map, with its clear detail, is a fine example of a Darton separately issued map.