Thure De Thulstrup. "Battle of Kenesaw Mountain".
Boston: American Lithographic Co., ca. 1890. 15 x 21 ½ (image). Chromolithograph. Full margins. Very good condition.
A detailed print of the Battle of Kenesaw Mountain in Georgia on 27 June 1864, the last general engagement made between troops under Sherman and Johnston prior to the battles around Atlanta. This print was first issued by the Boston Prang firm, and then reissued a few years later by the American Lithographic Co.. The image was made by chromolithography, where each color was printed by a separate stone. Well detailed and finely colored, this is an excellent print that would have been sold to veterans of the great conflict.
Click the links below to view others from this series:
Thure de Thulstrup "Battle of Atlanta"
Thure de Thulstrup "Battle of Chattanooga"
J.O. Davidson "Battle of Port Hudson"
Thure de Thulstrup "Battle of Shiloh"
Reference book on the series: Prang's Civil War Pictures