George H. Andrews. “Niagara Falls From The American Side. From A Drawing By Our Special Artist, G.H. Andrews.” From the Supplement to The Illustrated London News.
London: October 27, 1860. 11 x 17 3/8. Chromolithograph. Wide margins and centerfold as issued. Very good condition. Impressions of Niagara: 341.
The August 25, 1860 issue of The Illustrated London News was specifically focused on Niagara Falls and the Prince of Wales’–later Edward VII–visit there during his tour of Canada in 1860. The issue had a supplement on Niagara, which included a number of prints of the Falls based on drawing by George Henry Andrews (1816-1898), an Englishman who accompanied Edward on his tour. Two months later, another image was issued in the News based on a painting by Andrews. The composition and quality are much better than the usual illustrated newspaper print, for this is a very attractive and colorful image of Niagara from the edge of the American Falls.