Francois Jean, Marquis de Chastellux . “Carte Pour Servir Au Journal de Mr. Le Marquis de Chastellux Redigee par Mr. Dezoteux . . ." From Travels in North-America, in the Years 1780, 1781, and 1782...
Paris: 1786. 9.5 x 7.3. Engraving by Aldring. With folds as originally issued. Very good condition.
This work provided a first-hand perspective of the American Revolution and is one of the great contemporary Revolutionary War accounts. The Marquis de Chastellux was one of the forty members of the French Academy and a Major General in the French army in the late 1700's. He served under the Count de Rochambeau and joined forces with General Washington in the famous march on Yorktown that led to Cornwalis' surrender. Cartographically, the map covers the region from central New England south to Wilmington, Delaware, and displays his route through these regions while serving under Rochambeau.