Richard Brookes. Brookes’s General Gazetteer Improved . . ..
Philadelphia: Jacob Johnson, 1806. John Bioren, Printer. Octavo. Xvi, 399ll. 8 maps. Full leather with original leather label on spine. Rehinged. Ref.: Shaw-Shoemaker, 10038. Buck, 8. First American edition following the 12th. London edition. Walsh, p. 113 collates complete.
A fine and extensive early Philadelphia gazetteer by a British author with detailed folding maps engraved by William Ralph and William Kneass and are the following:
- “The World” after Arrowsmith.
- “Africa” after Arrowsmith.
- “North America” after Arrowsmith.
- “South America” after Olmadilla/Malespina.
- “Asia” after Arrowsmith.
- “Europe” after Arrowsmith.
- “West Indies” after various authorities.
- “...United States and part of Louisiana” sources not credited but after Bradley.