Isaac Weld, Jr. “An Eye Sketch of the Falls of Niagara.”
From I. Weld, Jr. Travels through the states of North America...during 1795, 1796 and 1797. London: John Stockdale, 1799. 6 1/2 x 8 3/4. Engraving by Neele. With folds as issued. Fine condition. Impressions of Niagara: 25
A detailed map from an early travel account of an eighteenth century visitor to America. This map of Niagara Falls was drawn by Isaac Weld during his travels through the United States from 1795 to 1797. So impressed was Weld with this famous site that he had an entire chapter on Niagara Falls and included three views and this map. The map depicts the immediate area around the falls from Simcoe’s Ladder in the north to near the southern tip of Goat Island. The military road on the west bank is shown, with local mills, stables and a tavern, as well as other details like Table Rock and the Indian Ladder. An inset of the entire Niagara peninsula is included in the upper left corner.