Unattributed. "The 'Atlantic' Balloon in which the Voyage from St. Louis will be made."/"Cutting Loose, in Case the Balloon falls into the Sea."
"The 'Nineteenth Century' Balloon for the Voyage from San Francisco."/"Gage's Patent Halyard Kedging Disc."/ "Prof. Wise, the Aeronaut."
New York: Harper's Weekly, June 18, 1859. 13 3/4 x 9 3/8 (images & text). Wood engraving. Very good condition. Sold as a pair.
Harper’s Weekly was an illustrated newspaper issued in New York, first published around the Civil War and popular through the end of the nineteenth century. Its mission was best described by its subtitle, “A Journal of Civilization.” Though full of informative articles, the newspaper communicated much of its message through excellent topical pictures drawn by its many staff artists. Depicting current events, customs, and trends, these pictures were drawn on the spot and then sent to New York, where they were transferred to wood blocks and then printed with offset type. These excellent and attractive prints provide us with a fascinating and valuable image of a by-gone era, a snap-shot of our history from the unique vantage point of citizens of that time.