R. Holland. "Battle of the Weldon Rail-Road".
Boston: J.H. Bufford, ca. 1864. 17 5/8 x 26 1/4. Sepia tinted lithograph. Margins complete. Some tears in image. Some repaired surface blemishes. Overall image and condition is very good.
A dramatic view of the Battle of the Weldon Railroad on August 21st. 1864, with two smaller vignettes in the upper corners showing the actions of August 18th and 19th. This battle, also known as the Battle of Globe Tavern or the Battle of Six Mile House, involved an attempt by the Union troops under Warren to cut off communication of the Confederate troops with Richmond using this rail line. The tracks of the railroad can be seen cutting across the main image, with the Federal front extending across the picture. The viewpoint from behind the Union line, with the Confederate line barely visible in the distance, combined with the realism of the scenes, leads to the supposition that R. Holland produced his images on the spot. The Union front consists of infantry and cannons, with ammunition carriages, messengers, officers and the wounded and dead shown behind the front line. The image is finely rendered and lithographed, presenting an almost photographic feel to the print. A fascinating and rare Civil War print.