Owen Jones. "Chinese No. 4." From The Grammar of Ornament.
London: Day and Son, 1865-1910. 11 3/4 x 7 3/4 (image). Chromolithograph by F. Bedford. Very good condition.
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A print from Owen Jones' handsome series of chromolithographic plates illustrating the many different styles of decoration used from ancient times to the mid-nineteenth century by civilizations from all parts of the world. Ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, Rome, Celts, Maya, Persia, India and other Asian cultures are represented, as well as Medieval, Renaissance and later styles used in European countries. Drawing from the collection now known as the Victoria and Albert Museum, Jones distilled widely varying forms into their essential visual vocabulary, arranging design components in a new, accessible manner. Fabulously colorful and appealing images from the early days of chromolithography.