I. Weld. "A New Map of Upper & Lower Canada." From I. Weld Jr.'s Travels through the states of North America...during 1795, 1796 and 1797.
London: J. Stockdale, 1798. 6 3/4 x 9. Engraving. Very good condition.
A clear and interesting map of the Great Lakes issued near the end of the eighteenth century. The map was published in Isaac Weld's work describing his travels through the nation between 1795 and 1797. This map focuses on the Great Lakes region, showing as far north as James Bay. Details include the many rivers and lakes in the region, major settlements, and of particular interest, frontier forts including Forts George, Chambly, Niagara, and one located at the end of Green Bay. An early English map focusing just on the Great Lakes.