Unattributed. “An Authentic Plan of the River St. Laurence, from Sillery to the Falls of Montmorency.” [Canada] From Gentleman's Magazine.
London, November 1759. 4 1/8 x 7 1/4. Engraving by J. Gibson. Narrow margin at bottom. Transference of text from following page on verso. Very good condition.
This fine map, issued shortly after the capture of Quebec, shows the positions of all the British and French troops during the French and Indian War. The map shows the rivers, roads, towns around Quebec, and the lines of the armies, defensive works, encampments, and many ships in the river are all indicated and named.
By the middle of the eighteenth century, a number of monthly magazines were being published in London. These magazines informed their readers on a variety of subjects, including natural history, topography, sports, and of course current affairs. The British public was fascinated by the events of the war with France and so there was great demand for up-to-date information, especially related to the American theater of battle. The British magazines met this demand with articles and illustrations which they rushed into print as soon as the details became available to them. These maps are among the most current illustrations of the events of the French & Indian War which are available to us today.