After John Webber. "Bewohner der Sandwichinseln in Königlicher Prachtkleidung". From H.R. Schinz's Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen des Menschen.
Zurich: Honeggerschen Lithographischen Anstalt, 1836-45. Ca. 11 x 8. Lithograph by J. Honegger. Very good condition.
From 1824 until 1845, Swiss doctor and natural historian Heinrich Rudolf Schinz published various editions of his "Natural History." Included in this work was a consideration of the human species, which Schinz grouped into five "tribes" or races. Schinz's work included illustrations of the different races and he took his images for Native Americans upon the work of various naturalists. This print is after one of John Webber's (1751-1793) drawings who was the official artist on Cook's third voyage of discovery. This print depicts a King of the Hawaiian Islands.
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