Audubon, John James  “American Pipit or Titlark.” Pl. 150
Audubon, John James  “American Pipit or Titlark.” Pl. 150
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Audubon, John James
"American Pipit or Titlark.” Pl. 150

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John James Audubon.  Plate 150.  “American Pipit or Titlark.”  From The Birds of America

New York: George R. Lockwood, ca. 1875.  Royal octavo.  Sheet: ca. 6 1/2 x 10 ¼.  Lithograph, printed with color.  Very good condition. 

John James Audubon, known both for his romantic life and his superb prints, is the most famous of all American natural history artists.  For his pioneering travel around the United States in search of new subjects in the wild, his lifelike and dramatic style, and his monumental works on the birds and quadrupeds of North America, Audubon is, perhaps, also the greatest American natural history artist.  Beginning in 1827, Audubon began to issue the prints for his monumental The Birds of America, which when completed ran to a total of 435 double elephant folio prints.  Because of the continued strong demand for these prints, Audubon had smaller, octavo size editions of these prints issued.  These were produced with the same concern for quality and aesthetic appeal as the larger editions, resulting in a wonderful opportunity for the general public to own a part of Audubons marvelous work.

More from Audubon's Second and later Edition Octavo bird series:

pl. 10 Broad-winged Buzzard [Hawk]

pl. 22 Sparrow Hawk

pl. 41 Chuck-Wills Widow

pl. 42 Whip-poor-will

pl. 43 Night Hawk

pl. 68 American Redstart

pl. 80 Bay-breasted Wood-Warbler

pl. 86 Caerulean Wood-Warbler

pl. 95 Black Throated Blue Wood Warbler

pl. 96 Black & Yellow Wood-Warbler

pl. 138 Common Mocking Bird

pl. 141 Ferruginous Mocking Bird

pl. 167 Common Snow Bird

pl. 169 Painted Bunting

pl. 170 Indigo Bunting

pl. 181 American Goldfinch

pl. 201 White Winged Crossbill

pl. 203 Common Cardinal Grosbeak

pl. 205 Rose-breasted Long-Grosbeak

pl. 208 Summer Redbird [Summer Tanager]

pl. 219 Orchard Oriole

pl. 231 Blue Jay

pl. 234 Canada Jay

pl. 246 Cedar Bird [Cedar Waxwing]

pl. 256 Ivory-billed Woodpecker

pl. 257 Pileated Woodpecker

pl. 263 Downy Woodpecker

pl. 278 Carolina Parrot

pl. 306 Sora Rail

pl. 358 Glossy Ibis

pl. 359 Scarlet Ibis

pl. 360 White Ibis

pl. 362 Roseate Spoonbill

pl. 364 Yellow-crowned Night Heron

pl. 369 Great Blue Heron

pl. 370 Great American White Egret

pl. 371 Reddish Egret

pl. 372 Blue Heron

pl. 373 Louisiana Heron

pl. 375 American Flamingo

pl. 381 Snow Goose

pl. 382 Trumpeter Swan (Adult)

pl. 384 American Swan

pl. 391 Wood Duck Summer Duck