James Trenchard. “Amelia: or the faithless Briton.” [American Revolution].
From The Columbian Magazine. Philadelphia: October, 1787. Engraving by J. Trenchard. 5 x 3 3/4. Accompanied by text. Very good condition. Cresswell, 344.
This scarce piece of contemporary historical fiction about the American Revolution is from a novel serialized in Charles Willson Peale’s magazine, Columbian Magazine. Amelia, a virtuous girl from a farm in New York, has been seduced by a British officer named Doliscus. When she had a child by him, he tries to escape to London, but she follows him. He spirits her away from his London estate and leaves her in a distant slum. The picture shows Amelia about to take her own life with a cup of laudanum when her father, Horatio Blyfield, enters the door. “(To be continued).”