Ezra Stiles. "Pictorial Map of Frick Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania".
Pittsburgh: Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, 1939. 18 3/4 x 13 1/2 (paper). Color printed. With folds as originally issued. Small printer's wrinkle in upper right hand corner. Includes time-toned envelope which housed the map. Excellent condition. Very scarce. A/A
A wonderful and decorative pictorial color map of Frick Park in Pittsburgh. Frick Park was a gift from Henry Clay Frick to the people of Pittsburgh. Ezra C. Stiles (1891-1974) a well known landscape architect designed this detailed map of the park with its decorative border and vignettes of scenes of the Park. On the verso of the map is "This is your park in common with the other citizens of Pittsburgh. Drinking fountains are indicated on the map by red dots. Do not drink any other water in the park as it is contaminated and extremely dangerous to your health ... The birds and the squirrels trust you ... Do not injure or frighten your little friends..."