Frederic Remington. "Goose shooting". From Sport, or Fishing and Shooting.
Boston: Bradlee Whidden, 1889-90. Folio; image 12 x 18. Chromolithograph. Very good condition. Bennett, Color Plate Books, p. 48; Tyler, Prints of the West, pp. 127 & 174.
From a rare 19th century portfolio consisting of fifteen chromolithographic plates of fishing, bird hunting and larger game hunting. Included were Frederic Remington's first two published prints in color, a rare A.B.Frost image and sporting scenes by other top illustrators of their time. The plate based on a water-color, especially commissioned for the work, was then reviewed by a group of sportsmen for accuracy. A fine example of the use of chromolithography for sporting subjects after important American artists at the end of the nineteenth century.